Happy 2022!
We love being parents. The joy & fulfillment (not so) little Sadie brings to our lives is immeasurable. It’s both worthwhile and rewarding in nearly every way imaginable.
However, it’s not without significant personal sacrifice.
I’d even go a bit further and admit there’s a formidable sense of “losing ourselves” during these very demanding years. I mean, obviously, right? There are new schedule complexities, a temporary loss of flexibility and even a big pause on spontaneity.
Those are to be expected, of course. But here’s the big one for us:
The notable dissolution of community.
With many of you, we go months – and maybe even longer – without physically spending time together. And sure, we all have really great and valid reasons for that. Life is busy and our careers are demanding. And traffic stinks sometimes and it’s super inconvenient to do X, or go to X, or hang out with X, or have X over.
And you know what?
That sucks.
We’re not big New Year Resolutions people, but we’re going to try something:
The last Friday of every month in 2022 you’re invited over to hang out, starting Friday, January 28.
Maybe we’ll do dinner.
Maybe we’ll do apps.
Maybe we’ll just do wine.
We’ll figure out the details as they come, but what matters is you’re invited.
Maybe this will be awesome.
Maybe nobody will come.
But what I don’t want to do is continue to make wholesale excuses for the lack of community we have in our lives.
Oooh, our house isn’t big enough.
Oooh, it’s a lot to host.
Oooh, but what about Sadie’s bedtime.
Blah Blah.
We hope to see all of your smiling faces a lot more this year, and whether you can make it once, or a dozen times, we’ll certainly look forward to seeing whoever shows up each and every month.